Thursday, June 5, 2014

Abducted 11-Year-Old Boy Freed by Kidnappers After Two Minutes of Singing Justin Bieber Song

SAN NARCISO, Calif. (Bennington Vale Evening Transcript) -- In April, the inspirational story emerged of an abducted 10-year-old boy who secured his freedom by singing a gospel hymn to his captor for three hours. They boy’s account went viral across social media and communities of faith. Willie Myrick was kidnapped from the driveway of his Atlanta home but dropped off hours later in another part of town after his abductor hurled expletive-laden demands for him to stop signing. Hezekiah Walker, the song’s composer, attended an event held in Willie’s honor where he received a standing ovation for his heroic, self-professed role in shepherding the child to freedom. “I really believe that God spoke through me to save that young man's life,” he told attendees. But Walker’s songs may not be the most effective for thwarting kidnappings. On Thursday in California, Bryce Hessington, 11, was let go by his abductors after a record-breaking two minutes -- for singing Justin Bieber’s “Baby.”

Representatives for the San Narciso Police Department (SNPD) in Southern California said they learned of Hessington’s brief abduction only when the boy’s parents arrived at the station to file charges and assist with a sketch of the suspect, long after the incident had occurred.

“It’s unprecedented and astonishing,” exclaimed Sgt. Ren Williams, SNPD spokesperson. “Two minutes of singing and the perps dropped the kid off at a Krispy Kreme -- less than three blocks from his front yard. According to Bryce’s testimony, he remembered reading the story of Willie Myrick on Facebook and used that as his inspiration.”

Bryce Hessington said he picked a Justin Bieber song because he “didn’t want to be in the car with those perverts for three hours.” But he confessed that being freed in under three minutes surprised him.

“When I initially learned of the Myrick case, I assumed the kidnappers let Willie go because they experienced some moral awakening after hours of hearing a spiritual hymn,” Sgt. Williams said. “I didn’t think it was because they were irritated to the point of breaking. Knowing that, I would say Bryce Hessington is a genius. Justin Bieber is infinitely more annoying and painful.”

Bryce told police that after singing the first line of “Baby,” the suspect in the passenger’s seat panicked and frantically tried to remove his ski mask to vomit. “He didn’t make it in time,” Bryce said.

The driver pulled over moments later when his ears began to bleed. After stopping at the Krispy Kreme, Bryce added, “the guy driving threw up a bunch in the street and then sped off real fast. I’m glad it worked. But if it hadn’t, I was ready with some Nickelback songs.”

Justin Bieber was not invited to appear at the celebration for Hessington this Saturday, but he commented on the happy outcome by phone.

“I’m super stoked everything worked out for Bryce and that I could help. I think Hezekiah Walker said it best at Willie Myrick’s event, so I’m going to repeat his words: ‘It’s just emotional to me because you never know who you’re going to touch. I just wanted to hug him and tell him I love him.’”

Bryce Hessington said his kidnappers told him “pretty much the same disgusting things, which is why I didn’t want Bieber at my party. Totally creeped me out.”

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